FS Railway Postcards

48 postcards are available, subdivided into five series.
Photos are printed on 10*15 cm cards with gloss surface.

NEW! 4th Series. FS Electric Railcars (8 postcards)
NEW! 5th Series. FS Electric Engines (8 postcards by Matteo Cerizza)

16 postcards, showing all most important Groups of Italian DC electric engines, from E.626 to E.402B.


ALe 880.045 (Off. Savigliano, 1939) and ALe 840 (1949-54)
Tortona, 9 January 1993.

ALe 883.028 and Le 883.016 (1942-46).
Fiumelatte, 31 May 1991.

ALe 540.002 and ALe 540.004 (Stab. Mecc. Pozzuoli-Ocren, 1957), with trailer Le 800.011.
Aregai di Cipressa, 18 July 1992.

Le 803 and ALe 803 (1961-63).
Novate Mezzola, 27 December 1994.

ALe 801/940 (1975-79).
Ceriale, 26 August 1988.

ALe 804.005 («GAI», Breda-Ansaldo-Marelli-TIBB, 1979).
Monza, Spring 1988
(Photo Giovanni Demuru).

ALe 724 (1982-85).
Bussoleno - Susa, 19 February 1988.

Le 562 and ALe 582 (1987-91).
San Vito-Lanciano, 12 November 2005.

5th series. FS ELECTRIC ENGINES (Photos by Matteo Cerizza)

E.626.266 (Reggiane-Marelli, 1936).
Giuncano - Terni, 11 June 2003.

E.428.058 (Breda, 1937) and E.636.164 (Off. Savigliano, 1956).
Meina, 16 October 2005.

E.636.218 (OM-CGE, 1956).
Saluggia, 12 June 2002.

E.424.038 (Ansaldo, 1949).
Laveno, 29 July 2000.

E.645.101 (TIBB, 1958, former E.646.001, transformed in 1980).
Milano Smistamento, 25 May 2002.

E.645.023 (OM-Marelli, 1959), E.645.021 (TIBB, 1959) and E.646.158 (Breda, 1964).
Milano Smistamento, 8 May 2004.

ALe 840.046 (OM-CGE, 1950) and trailer Le 640.022 (OM, 1959).
Montechiaro-Denice, 24 March 2002.

Elettrotreno ETR 302 «Settebello» (Breda, 1953).
Chiaravalle Abbey, 9 February 2002.

1st Series. San Lorenzo-Ospedaletti (8 postcards)
2nd Series. Railway: History and Landscape (8 postcards)

The first eight postcards deal with the section San Lorenzo-Ospedaletti of the Riviera Ligure railway. This section was closed in September 2001 and replaced by a new tunnel. To remember the old line along the seaside, 8 postcards are available, with the most interesting trains of the last 20 years, shown in the most beautiful places of the line.
The last 8 postcards show different FS trains in the Italian landscape.

Series 1+2 preview.

3rd Series. FS Electric Locomotives (16 postcards)

16 postcards, showing all most important Groups of Italian DC electric engines, from E.626 to E.402B.

Series 3 preview.

How to buy

The postcards cost 5 Euro for 16 subjects.
Different series can be combined as you like: e.g. series 1+2 = 5 Euro; series 3 = 5 Euro (they are 16 subjects); series 2+4 = 5 Euro, etc.
Shipping included. To order, just send money (cash in an envelope) to:

Giorgio Stagni
via Govone 100
I 20155 Milano
clearly stating your address and the series you want. Daily shipping!

Discounts are granted for large orders (80 postcards or more). For details, please mail to .

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