Additional features for the MM screensaver:

The User_BMP Configuration Utility (UserSetup.exe)

As the number of trains stored in the User_BMP.INI file is becoming larger and larger, you may want to subdivide your trains into different INI files, and to switch easily from one file to the other. The User_BMP configuration utility is just designed to do this: you can have as many INI files as you want, and select which one to use the next time the screensaver will run. You can also restore the original INI file you had before using the configuration utility.

For example you may subdivide your trains according to the era or to the nation, or you may have an INI file for railway and one for city traffic, and so on.

Click here to download the User_BMP configuration utility.

Unzip the UserSetup.exe file into the MM screensaver folder (the folder that contains your picture libraries, such as v3w32_0.DLL ). Put also all your INI files in this folder and simply run the UserSetup file.

Screenshot UserSetup

The Configuration Utility can do even something more:

The Italian Historical Parade

You can use the option "Fixed sequence of trains" in order to present trains as an "historical parade", from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. You only need to arrange the lines in the INI file in chronological (or logical) order.

I've done this for you, for all my Italian trains, and I've added special captions that say something more than just the name of the train. I've also added special bitmaps that introduce each "chapter" of the history. These bitmaps are enriched with the different logos that characterised each period.

FS logos

Click here to download the Historical Parade.

Unzip the additional files of the Historical Parade as if they were standard trains. Then open file FS_Historical_Parade_.ini and adjust the bitmap path if necessary (or use the User_BMP Configuration Utility to do so).

Put this INI file in the MM screensaver folder, open the User_BMP Configuration Utility and select it (or configure manually the screensaver if you are skilled on it).

The Historical Parade takes advantages of the contribution of Fabrizio Mungai, Franco Pepe, Giovanni Salvo, Franco Sartori, Claudio Vianini.