Märklin Catalogues - the Covers

In 1984 the three scales are shown in three different catalogues. This solution is used up to 1990, although 1 and Z editions are not issued every year.
Some catalogues (e.g. the 1984 editions) still gain a very "clean" and elegant representation of articles.
The 1986 and 1988 Z catalogues are of a smaller size and aim to distinguish the Z scale by means of a specific layout, based on black background for all pages, surely elegant, but probably too dark, and finally abandoned.
Bordered images are available also in larger size. Click on the image to enlarge.

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1984 - H0 scale
The catalogue is split into three volumes, according to scale, but a common "style" is used, by means of the severely geometrical lines drawn on a white background.

1984 - Z scale


1984 - 1 scale

1985 - H0 scale

1985 - Z scale

1985 - 1 scale

1986 - H0 scale

The BR 191 is photographed on a rod of a real engine: an artistic idea, already used for some pictures inside 1973 catalogue.

1986 - Z scale

1987 - H0 scale

1987 - 1 scale
The worst? No trains, no details, just a rail...

1988 - H0 scale

1988 - Z scale

1989 - H0 scale
The only photo of humans in Märklin covers.

1989 - 1 scale

1990 - H0 scale
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Credits: I downloaded all covers up to 1999 in year 2000 from a website, but I cannot remember its address. Should anyone know it, please e-mail me.
Enlarged pictures as well as newer ones were scanned from original catalogues by myself.

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